Friday, October 31, 2008

Last Weekend before the big day

Well this is McCain's last shot at making his case. I hope he can. I see he's going to be on SNL this Saturday. I think that's a good thing. Unlike Obama he can take a joke. The next president needs to have thick skin.

I voted early and I'm glad of it. My precinct generally has good turnout every presidential election and the folks usually know the drill.

I pretty much voted straight Republican this time because I think if Obama wins we need as much opposition as we can get. I'm hoping that the Senate will have the ability to filibuster a Obama-Reid-Pelosi gov't.

Enjoy your Halloween and be safe. I think next week will be much scarier.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama Infomercial

I watched part of the Obama infomercial last night. Frankly, it was somewhat of a disappointment. I didn't even think the production values were all that well done.

The Louisville family that had been laid off was eating out. If you're unemployed you don't eat out. I know it seems picky but still. It's pretty obvious the whole thing is phony.

Update: Saw this today. Looks like the Obamamercial wasn't such a success.

Monday, October 27, 2008

8 Days

This has been a long and frustrating campaign. The full press by the MSM for Obama has been nothing but amazing.

After Gustav we didn't have cable for almost a month. I had forgotten how bad network television was and I actually watched one of Katie Couric's newscasts. She was awful.

I'm not sure McCain can pull this one out. Although I think it's going to be closer than the MSM thinks. If Obama wins or loses the few days after the election are going to be ugly. I predict quite a bit of violence specially in the big cities like Detroit, Chicago and LA. My friends think I'm crazy but I think it'll happen.

Even if McCain wins it's not really a victory for conservatives. McCain will quickly silence Palin and start reaching across the aisle. The most we can hope is that the Republicans will have 41 in the Senate just to block things.

I still hope for the best but it's been tough listening to the continuous BS coming from Obama, Biden and their cheeleaders in the MSM.