Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Some are now claiming that opposition to Obama is ODS (Obama Derangement Syndrome). I'm sure there will be those who are afflicted but to push this farce on every dissenter is just wrong.

I'm fearful of Obama because many didn't know who he is or what he'll do. They blindly followed him like sheep.

Hopey Hopey Change Change .... Blah blah blah

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Second guessing

Well their a lot of second guessing today. Who is responsible is it McCain, Palin, Republican party, the economy, etc...

I certainly the deck was stacked against McCain or any Republican this year.

Bush fatigue. After two terms of Bush any Dem would probably have the upper hand but these have been a difficult 8 years. Starting with the treasonous AlGore. Who knowing he'd lost the election wanted to recount the vote in 2 counties in Florida until he could eliminate enough Bush votes to win. What a selfish bastard. Then only 8 months into his term we have the attacks of September 11, 2001. It brought us together but only for at short time as nutty conspiracy theorists fed by partisan Dems tried to undermine the presidency.

I do think that President Bush has had a one track mind and that was to win in Afghanistan and Iraq. He wanted to keep his troops funded and nothing else mattered. I also think many people are tired of the Bush years but I still find it strange that you can forget 9/11 so quickly.

McCain. McCain is not a conservative and of course we know his love affair (not so much this time) with the MSM. The Maverick wasn't so successful at that this time.

Palin. His pick of Palin may have hurt him among some but not the base. It was the first time any of us were somewhat excited about his campaign. Of course the Tanning Bed media pounced and did everything they could to make her look ignorant while giving Biden and Obama a pass. Most of those who didn't like Palin weren't going to vote for him anyway.

The Republican Party. Ahh yes the Republican's who had come to power behind Newt in '94 had started acting like Democrats and were booted out in '06. They bumbled their way along and made themselves look like fools. Of course again the MSM was eager to point out their foibles while giving the Dems a pass.

And finally the Economy. The bailout just about killed any chance for McCain. He may have been able to salvage himself had he voted against it but I think he made a deal with Obama. You know the Bipartisan Maverick.

There's plenty of blame to go around but I frankly think it was McCain and the economy that lost it for us.

There's a good round up at National Review here.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day is finally here

Well it's finally here and many pundits are calling it for Obama. I certainly hope they are wrong.

I voted early but my wife said the lines were pretty long this morning it took her about 45 minutes to vote. Usually we just walk in and out in a few minutes.

I really hope that those voting "against" will get out in numbers. Obama must be stopped from becoming President. He is the most unknown and inexperienced candidate to run on the final ballot in my lifetime. I am truly concerned about his, Pelosi and Reid's plans for our nation.

There's still hope that McCain will pull this out. Say a prayer.

Looks like there's some voter intimidation going on in Philly but that's to be expected. I wonder what would happen if white folks were intimidating black voters.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Rough Week

I think that Obama will win and it's not going to be good. I'm just hoping that the Republican's can hang on to 40 votes in the Senate to stop this guy. He is bad bad news.