Sunday, August 27, 2006

We are Screwed.

Between the Queen Bee and Willy Wonka Louisiana is just screwed.

I'm watching C. Ray Nagin on Meet the Press this morning and he is an arrogant dumbass. He doesn't have a clue and can't seem to keep his mouth shut..... First it was "Chocolate City" now it's "a hole in the ground". Jeez Ray maybe you should just shut up.

Billions of dollars are flowing to Louisiana and the entire gulf coast. A lot of the rebuilding money is being held up by our wonderful governor, Kathleen Blanco. Her political motivation is absolutely transparent. Maybe next time she could just come out and say that she's doing this or that for political gain. Holding up the "road home" money so that she can get credit is dispicable.

We have two more years of Gov. Blanco and four more years of Mayor Nagin. God help us.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Out of Pocket

I've been out of pocket and haven't blogged in more than a week. I don't know that much has changed in the world.

I guess I should mention that Kathleen Blanco is still an idiot based on the I-10/I-12 toll controversy. I listened to her explanation on Moon's show. You'd think that when this was suggested that someone in the room would look at Johnny Bradberry and say, "this is a stupid idea" but she has surrounded herself with political hacks, yes men, and morons. What else should we expect? This is even stupid for her.

A friend of mine said she's just retarded but that's an insult to retarded people. Jeez....

This weekend I weedeated and mowed and even picked up a cane knife(big mistake) to clean up at my mother-in-laws yard. It was hot and I'm definately not as young as I used to be.


Today marks 24 years with the angel that saved my life. I love you Wifey more than you'll ever know. I feel very lucky.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Here Comes Chris

My prediction is it will come just west of New Orleans and right through Baton Rouge. Maybe by next Tuesday or Wednesday.

It's coming right at us. We really don't need this right now.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ACLU Strikes Again

This was started by one idiot parent who could care less about her or any other kid at the school. Southside Jr. High in Denham Springs is one of the best middle schools in the state. Separating the boys from the girls has worked in other schools locally. Zachary and Ascension parish schools both have done it.

Single Sex School in Louisiana Denies Girls and Boys Same Educational Opportunities

ACLU Seeks to Ensure Equal Access to Learning


July 31, 2006

NEW ORLEANS -- The American Civil Liberties Union today released a demand letter sent last week to Southside Junior High School officials in the Livingston Parish School District. The letter called for the immediate stop to plans to segregate students on the basis of sex in the coming school year.

"Sex discrimination belongs on the trash heap, not in the classroom," said Joe Cook, Executive Director of the ACLU of Louisiana. "Equal educational opportunity under the law doesn't mean girls count flower petals, while boys learn about heroic behavior and what it means to be a man."


Mandatory single-sex education has long been decried as creating a divisive system with the potential to harm both boys and girls. The educational theories that promote such a split are too often based on faulty research and radically inaccurate gender stereotypes. Yet despite such programs being declared unlawful, Southside Junior High School has decided to pursue such a course of action. According to the ACLU, the end result is that children of both sexes will be harmed.