Thursday, September 14, 2006

Another Work Week Almost Over.....


Another week is almost over at least for me. Thankfully I actually accomplished a couple of things this week. Two projects I've been working on will finally be complete.

For some reason over the last year I have really had to try hard to get anything done. It's like I am in 5th grade with ADD. I can't stay on task, and I don't know why. I shouldn't have been affected by Katrina. Neither I more nor most of my family had any appreciable damage. I just can't seem to get going.

It's like everything that has affected the state has affected me. I'm really angry that we have no leadership in Louisiana. I'm very frustrated at the extra people, heavier traffic and crime. I think I'm ready for a change.

But what kind of change..... I don't know. Maybe I'm getting near the dreaded mid life crisis. Goodness I hope not. I can't afford that sports car.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Crime in Baton Rouge out of control? Is Baton Rouge the New New Orleans?

That's the question a lot of us are asking. Although I don't live in Baton Rouge I work there every day, my parents and kids live there. It's starting to get a little crazy there.

According to Mayor Kip Holden crime is only up 4% while the population is up 10%. It doesn't sound so bad but when you realize his stats are only for the city limits but the population increase is for the entire parish. I think it's a little misleading.

In fact the murder/shooting last Friday off of Siegan Lane near the Olive Garden won't even be included because it's not in the city limits.

Crime since Katrina has gotten worse and we know why. The thugs from NOLA are here, add to that the transcient workers and we've got a big problem. There's only one way to fight it and that is massive enforcement and make sure that when the thugs are caught they are put away. No more 60 day murders and revolving jail doors like NOLA. We must put them away and for good.

I hope that the mayor, police chief, sheriff, DA, and judges are up to the task. I don't want Baton Rouge to become the New New Orleans.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Five years later.

This morning I thought about where I was when the first jet hit the WTC towers. I was on my way to work just getting off of I-10 when the announcer on WJBO said a small plane had hit one of WTC towers. By the time I arrived at work the 2nd airliner had hit. Someone had on a television and many of the women in the office were crying.

I watched in horror as the towers fell and the rest of the events that day. Of course like many I was in shock, then saddened and then came the anger. If it would have been up to me we would have nuked the middle east and turned the whole place into a glass parking lot. Thank God George Bush had that decision and not me.

I tried to call my wife but she's a school teacher and they were on lockdown. My kids were all in school. I called my parents to make sure they knew. It is a day I'll never forget much like the JFK assassination.

As I look back on that day and remember I'm again saddened but still mad. I surfed the net this afternoon and watched some video of that day. I had never seen the video of the people jumping to their deaths. It is enough to make you sick.

Tonight what President Bush said described my feelings well.

"We face an enemy determined to bring death and suffering into our homes. America did not ask for this war, and every American wishes it were over. So do I. But the war is not over -- and it will not be over until either we or the extremists emerge victorious. If we do not defeat these enemies now, we will leave our children to face a Middle East overrun by terrorist states and radical dictators armed with nuclear weapons. We are in a war that will set the course for this new century -- and determine the destiny of millions across the world."

I wish it were over. I wish it would have never happened. I wish we didn't have to fight the islamic extremists to save western civilization but we do. I'm afraid that without America's determination the western world would be doomed. I only hope that we can finish this before the appeasers win.